Support Our Work
Since its inception, UASCH has eagerly sought to build partnerships in healthcare that result in opportunities for work-based learning (industry exposure). Students at UASCH have engaged in the following work-based learning opportunities:
- Guest presentations by healthcare professionals
- Worksite tours
- Hospital tours
- Healthcare-related conferences
- Annual Career Fair
- Technical skills workshops (e.g. CPR)
- Paid internships
Ideal partners can provide one or more of the following benefits:
- Serve as an ambassador for the school
- Serve as a source of referrals for school-based presentations
- Serve as a source of expertise related to curriculum development
- Serve as a source of expertise related to post-secondary advising in the field
of healthcare - Facilitate opportunities for job shadowing, community service, internships and
work readiness and job-specific skill building
To obtain more information about UASCH or learn about concrete ways that you
may assist the school, please contact us at (718) 277–1572.